Exploring Mars Using Intelligent Robots

The use of robotic rovers is an attractive and necessary option if exploration of Mars is to go forward.Having decided on this route,further problems come to surface.The delay for radio signals between Mars and Earth vary between 6 to 41 minutes while the long distance imposes a low communication bandwidth.This precludes the use of teleoperation for controlling the vehicle.(A teleoperated vehicle is one which every individual movement would be controlled by a human being). Therefore,some autonomy of the vehicle is needed.However,a totally autonomous vehicle that could travel for extended periods carrying out its assigned tasks is simply beyond the present state of the art of artificial intelligence. This report considers the technical issues involved in the operation of a Mars Exploration Rover. In particular,the various navigation techniques and related technologies are discussed,while up to date robots and their performance are used as examples.

About to land on Mars ,source http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/mesur.html

2. Navigation

As mentioned earlier,the Mars rover must possess a certain degree of autonomy.There are various degrees of autonomy and various approaches in the way this autonomy is granted to the rover.These factors determine the navigation technique used,but all fall under two broad categories:

  1. Path-Planning navigation and
  2. Reactive navigation (or Real-time obstacle avoidance navigation)
In Path-planning,some form of terrain analysis is performed and a safe route is decided before the vehicle is commanded to start moving.In reactive navigation,the rover moves towards a goal location and avoids obstacles or untraversable territory as it encounters them,without previous knowledge of their existence.

Two important path-planning techniques developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) are Computer-Aided Remote Driving (CARD) and Semi-Autonomous Navigation (SAN) .

2.2 Semi-Autonomous Navigation (SAN)

In Semi-Autonomous Navigation [5,6,7],the rover is given approximate routes from Earth,but plans its local routes autonomously.Thus,some operations are performed on Earth while others onboard the vehicle.

In this scenario,a satellite orbiting Mars sends stereo images of the areas of interest to the ground-station on Earth.These images may have a resolution of about a metre and enable operators to plan a safe route for the vehicle,possibly a few kilometres in length.In addition to path planning,an elevation map is produced by computers.Both the elevation map and the planned path are sent to the rover.

Onboard the rover,lazer rangefinders and stereo cameras are used to obtain images of the immediate environment of the rover.These images are used to compute a local topographic map . This map is matched to the local portion of the global map sent from Earth,so that the rover can position itself on the global map and follow the designated route.By comparison of the global map sent from Earth and the local map obtained from the rover's sensors,a new,detailed,high-resolution map is produced by computers onboard the rover.This map is eventually analyzed by computation on the rover to determine the safe areas over which to drive, while at the same time adhering to the route sent from Earth.An overview of SAN is shown in figure 2.
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A rover collects samples on the surface of Mars, in this depiction by artist Ken Hodges.(" A Mars Rover for the 1990's " [6] )

2.2.1 Path Planning and execution monitoring for SAN

Primary task of path planning is to find an appropriate path for the rover to follow in order to reach a goal location ,designated from Earth, avoiding any obstacles and untraversable terrain ( e.g. elevation higher than what the rover can compensate). The path planning proposed[8] by JPL for a SAN takes place in two phases.
  • Phase I
The rover is given the global terrain map(section 3.2) from the orbiter with the goal site for the rover. The path planner generates a global path gradient [9] using a spreading activation algorithm[10], this algorithm takes into account all the kinematic constraints of the rover and the traversability of the terrain to produce a global gradient.
  • Phase II
Phase II is a refined version of phase I, using the global gradient previously computed, the planner searches through the local terrain maps to find a safe route that will bring it closer to the goal location. It is assummed that the planner has three local terrain maps for the same region with diffent resolutions ( low, medium and high). At first the planner tries to find a set of locations (exit zones) on the low resolution map that will bring the rover closer to the goal location using the computed local map gradient ( as done in phase I). Then possible paths are computed to the exit zones using the local gradient map. The paths are passed into a simulator that determines which paths can be executed safely and the path to the top rated exit zone is preferably chosen. If the simulator cannot find an acceptable path from the low resolution map then the higher resolution maps are used in turn until one is found. In the higher resolution maps exit zones will be found by using as goal sites the exit zones of the immediately lower resolution maps. If no path is accepted by the simulator ( quite unlikely) the rover must back up and try to reach the goal site from a different route.

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