Present state of the laboratory:

Now, under the supervision of three teachers (1 professor, 2 associate professors) and three visiting researchers (1 professor, 1 associate professor, and 1 post doctoral researcher), 8 Ph. D program students, 19 master program students, 8 undergraduate students and 2 research students belong to the intelligent robot laboratory in University of Tsukuba. So that, we have a total of 43 members. Each member of the Lab has his/her own research theme. Even if each research subject seems to imply small progress, we can derive great contribution to robotics from the sum of these works. Robotics and robotic technologies are difficult to adapt to industries. Furthermore, still we are not able to realize the "perfect robot" most people is dreaming of. However, robotics has the feature of easiness for defining goals and evaluating results. Therefore, the study of robotics at University is a very good way for students to learn technical skills and exercise themselves to research. We think that students graduated from our laboratory all have developed strength in research work and possess valuable technical skills.