Humans                                                      Robots     
    Strengths                                                       Strengths 
        strong hand_eye cordination                         Good geometric accuracy
        Dexterous (at human scale)                          stable & unitiring
        Flexible & adaptable                                     can be designed for a wide   

        Able to use  qualitive information                 range of scales .
        Good  judgment
                                              May be strilized
         Easy to instruct & debrief                            Risistant to radiation & infection


     Limitation                                                       Limitation
         limited jeometric &accuracy                         Poor judgment
         limited ability to use quantitative                  limited to relatively simple
         information                                                     procedures
         Large  oprating room space                          Expensive                      
         requirement                                                    Technology in flux
         Susceplible to radiation & infection             Difficult to construct &debug