
Ultrasound examinations of the heart involve a static and very uncomfortable working posture for the physiology assistant. As a result many physiology assistants develop shoulders and neck pains which can result in long term sickness leaves. Because of the difficulty in replacing these highly skilled individuals this can cause big disruptions at the cardiac- or medicine departments. In the worst case the physiology assistant might not be able to return to this job again.

With the ultrasound examination robot the physiology assistant doesn’t have to work in the uncomfortable posture and will be spared the shoulder and neck pain. Instead the robot does the heavy and static work while the physiology assistant controls it comfortably using a control stick.

Application 2

Long geographical distances often make it difficult to perform cardiac ultrasound examinations. Providing local care centres with the ultrasound robot allows these examinations to be performed remotely by a physiology assistant. Thus the long travel times can be avoided for both the assistant and the patients saving money and improving care.

Other Examinations

Cardiac examinations are the most advanced types of ultrasound examinations. The ultrasound examination robot can be used for other types of ultrasound examinations as well.

The ultrasound examination robot is developed by Mobile Robotics Sweden AB in close cooperation with HeartNet.

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