The exploration of Mars has long been considered as a major goal in the exploration of the Solar System.At the beginning of the 20th century it was believed that intelligent life existed on Mars ,while until 1960 the possibility of plant life was still considered [1].However,detailed information from the Mariner 9 orbiter and the two Viking Landers[2] that landed on Mars in 1976 ,ruled out the possibility of any life on Mars,but created the perspective for future human settlement of the Red Planet,as it came to be known.

Mars is the most Earth-like planet and the best candidate for the first human settlement off Earth.Information from the Vikings[3] reveals that Mars is a cold,dry planet with extreme temperatures and a thin atmosphere.The terrain is rough and often untraversable.However,certain features are most encouraging.From the thin atmosphere nitrogen,argon and water vapour can be extracted,which are enough to prepare breathable air and water.Water can also be found in the soil and at the polar caps in the form of ice [4].Wind and the sun are plausible sources of power. Furthermore,extracts from the atmosphere and the soil can be used to produce rocket propellants, fertilizer and other useful compounds and feedstocks[3]. More

Further exploration needs to be done in order to obtain a better insight to the Martian environment.Unfortunately,a manned mission is out of the question for the time being for several reasons.A trip to Mars would require almost 2 years away from Earth,which creates a problem of supply of consumables.Then,the physical factors still need to be thoroughly investigated.The extreme temperatures(reaching -100 degrees centigrade) and the need to produce breathable air still present problems.An unmanned mission is therefore a necessary precursor to a piloted flight to Mars.

May 2001
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